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Stitches Out Soon!

Sorry for not posting on Friday as promised! It got too late and my weekend was crazy. Ginger’s still walking around but we’re enforcing bed rest again. We make sure her walks are very short and keep a close eye on signs of fatigue! She’s getting her stitches and her cone removed tomorrow! It’s a small step, but a step nonetheless. After the first couple days of drowsiness and whining, Ginger has bounced back to her stinky silly self. We heard dogs did very well with this, but we were all amazed at how good she’s doing. Hopefully I keep this new promise and send an update tomorrow on how she’s doing cone- and stitchless. Here’s a video of her walking: 68826458640__599732C3-C923-4D29-8348-64C8772B2B3F

It’s not very clear at the beginning, but you can see her hobble pretty well at the end as she runs back to the carpet to eat her Puperoni, because it’s just not fancy enough to eat it there on the hardfloor 😁


Author: Keira

I like cats, books, toes, cats, broccoli, books, cats, and chocolate. I’m mildly insane and have mildly insane friends who live their best life as the weirdos. I’m in seventh grade and this is my first time sharing a story. I enjoy oboe, piano, soccer, cross country, horseback riding, Girl Scouts, and above all, WRITING BOOKS. SO. MANY. BOOKS.

4 thoughts on “Stitches Out Soon!”

  1. OMD!! Ginget is melt my heart over here! She is cute as can be!!
    And she is doing very well with her mobility. Extre well! Her balance is good, her gait is fluid. Good job!
    Stitch removal day calls for a drive thru cheeseburger and maybe an ice cream cone.
    Thanks for the update and delightful video. Give her an extra treat for us, okay?
    Sally and Alumni Happy Hannah and Merry Myrtle and Frankie too

    1. Thanks for commenting! She got her treats, we spoil her honestly 😀 We were amazed by her walking too, but it’s nice to know the world agrees. Happy Halloween from the Stinky Ging house

  2. She looks GREAT! Oh my gosh it’s hard to believe that she just had her leg taken off. Her mobility looks fantastic.

    Just a head’s up: the video will take up all of your space for photos of Ginger. We recommend uploading to YouTube first, then pasting the Share URL into your blog post. The video will still show up, it will just reside on YouTube, freeing up space for your pics here. Hope that makes sense. Feel free to reach out to me with any questions! I’m also happy to share your videos on the Tripawds YouTube channel if you’d like, just let me know.

    1. I read this after my newest post and I was confused by how it was uploading the pictures, but I took one on the Camera app and uploaded it from my library and it worked fine. It would be great if you would add our videos! Happy Halloween!

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